Thursday, April 26, 2012

…my greatest challenge (from A Sinner’s Soul)

A Sinner's Soul

"Embracing my WHO I AM"

©2012. Erin Adams-Phillips. Erin’s Echo. All rights reserved.

I can be pretty damn convincing if I must say so myself. I’m a forced to be reckoned with. I laugh because I know many people don’t know the meaning of that idiom; therefore, they will NOT get the symbolism of its verbiage in this paragraph. Confused? Confused not; it is fairly simple. We, as humans, spend so much time trying to convince other people who we are…who we are not…what we believe…what we believe not…what we fear…what we fear not…what we love…what we love not…that it becomes a phase…a game. Who are we really trying to convince; others or self?

I am no angel. I am no saint. I am an ordinary person living in an everyday world full of temptation and sin. I fall short. I fail. I hurt people. I hurt. I heal. I forget. I forgive…yet; my greatest challenge is forgiving myself! 

I have beliefs…really; I do. That is no joke. I believe in being loyal. Being loyal is essential for me…it is not a choice…I am either with you or I am not. Sunday through Saturday. No certain days of the week. No special days…no holidays. There is no in between with me. I like you or I do NOT! I love you or I do NOT! I care or I care NOT! I’m loyal or I’m your worst enemy. Point blank. Period. Once I am betrayed, I find it easier to forgive the betrayer than to forgive myself for allowing myself to feel…love…be a friend…a mentor…whatever position it may be…forgiving me is my greatest challenge.

How many of you can relate to this? We give more to others (time, money, attention, support) than we do to self. We treat strangers better than we do family and self. We allow others to take (money, time, dignity, pride) more than they refuse to give and at the end of the day, we try to humble ourselves and tell ourselves “it isn’t their fault”…we forgive them. We own their errors and we bring upon ourselves unnecessary conflict. Emotional distress. Second-guessing self. Taking on burdens that don’t belong to self! Contradiction or conflict? 

Revolution or revelation? All of the above? 

Complicated simplicity…painfully beautiful!

Why is it so easy to forgive others and not me? 

Why am I so hard on me? 

Does the lack of self-forgiving mean that I believe that there is no such thing as a mistake; that in any event, I am a willing participant and deserve whatever hurt…whatever harm…whatever treatment comes my way? No matter how rude the awakening…regardless how unpleasant the hurt may be; that I must learn from my faults and suffer... “I made my own bed”; right? 


Absolutely, positively WRONG! It means I’m a sinner with a soul. A sinner with a conscious. A sinner with a heart. I’m destined to bring hurt upon myself. It is natural to set goals I will not accomplish. It is a human-conditioned thought that I can always be a better me. It is NATURAL. 

So why is it such a challenge to forgive myself if all of this is “natural”?

“Self forgiveness is the process of restoring your directive will and to understand how you participate in reality and what you allow reality to become due to your participation and the patterns you allow ~Bernard Poolman~

Self-forgiveness is a selfless act. It is the art of self-awareness…self-acceptance…self-love. It is very anti-egotistical. 

Really, Erin, just write it so everyone can understand it!

It is so hard for me to forgive myself because forgiving myself means that I must accept EVERYTHING about me…my past…my flaws…my strengths…my weaknesses. I must become emotionally intimate with myself…it is acknowledging all the things I do not want to be true in my life! It is a rare form of self-spiritual intimacy. 

Taking the good with the bad; self-revelation.  Accepting that what I do does not make me who I am, but who I am makes me abstain from things I should not do…in essence, self-forgiveness is cleaning the soul of a sinner or remaining selfish in a fool’s paradise. 


Follow @ErinsEcho


Sunday, April 22, 2012

...when he doesn't love you back

© 2012 Erin's Echo. Erin Adams-Phillips. All rights reserved.

 There are many things in life I am unsure about—not one of them is love.

We often tell people things about themselves that they are totally in-tuned with. They don’t need the answer—they already know. You don’t need to smoke. You don’t need to drink. You don’t need to gang bang. You don’t need to use profanity. You don’t need to worry about that when you are sick! You just need to take care of yourself.  He/She doesn’t mean you any good! You want to be up shit creek without a boat and a paddle. You don’t love him and he doesn’t love you! You got played.

~Brakes screech~ I do love him. One thing I am never unsure of is who I love and how I love, and totally HOW I HURT. I’m also very aware that loving someone does not mean they will love me back. Everyone will not always be to you what you are to them. What do you do?

Some people want love to be private. They often say, " speak of your business too much out loud. People don't care". For me; damn people. 

 "...I tell what I want told. When someone asks about something I don't want known, I tell them that is uncharted territory. If they assume, dare I say lie, that really is not my concern; for it's none of my business what other people think about me." ~from a Sinner's Soul by Erin Adams-Phillips~

~trying to figure out the condition of one's thinking always fail! I prefer to let one know what I'm thinking and who I worries. I'm a no non-sense, outspoken, straight shooter. Only you determines the target of my arrow! ~Nire Smada

With Erin, you never have to play Russian Roulette or Ring around no damn roses! I'm a big kid, but some games are not for adults!

"I keep coming back to you in my head, but you couldn't know that, and I have no carbons". ~Adrienne Rich

There are no carbon copies of my mind's thoughts…so how are you to know I think about you. You surely won’t believe me. 

Love is different for each person. I have people I love because love is natural. I have people I love because they’ve been supportive of me…a deeper affection than natural love. I love my children…that love cannot be compared. I love my mother ~smiling~  ~laughs~ okay, so I’m in love with her. I’ve tried hard not to be, but it is impossible. There is intimate love…not desire…LOVE. The feeling of loving someone, wanting to be intimate with that one and that one ONLY…wanting to share everything with that one…that is a love like no other! That is a love where there can never be any doubt.

Love doesn’t hurt. It feels so good. It makes you smile and skip for no reason at all other than you are loved.

No, no, love may not always be right, but one thing I am certain of is when, who, why, and how I love.

My head eyes want to cry to release the tension. The thought of the warm, clear liquid streaming down my face haunts me. I refuse to cry. I allowed myself to feel need to lean on someone....give up my Wonder Woman powers and be comforted by my superman...but as usual expectations causes disappointments.  So I did what I do best..put back on my bracelets to guard my tiara to protect my brain...comforted my friend who lost her sister to death...oiled my kids hair...cleaned...reached out to the cyber world...did homework and imagined my life in harmony with my WHO...people tell me I'm like my Mon and that Wonder Woman, like she ended up alone...from here on out my reply will be THANK YOU verses I know. Why? It’s better to be miserable and alone than miserable and loving someone who doesn’t love you back.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

…Sarcoidosis Awareness: for the love of Faye

©2012. Erin's Echo. Erin Adams-Phillips. All rights reserved.
This is a short version which turned out was hard to type...I left out much of the somber days of pain, not eating, sleeping, and praying! But still, this is my battle with Sarcoidosis!

I can still remember back in 2007…not even a year away from my comfort zone…my family…all I knew…I had left behind. Now, I’m in a strange city, commanding Phil to call my sister, Bonita, as I look at the doctor saying "she’s really sick"…Phil gets Bee on the phone…"They say I have internal bleeding”…Bonita is in Alabama on the phone with doctors, “Test my sister for Sarcoidosis!”  I'm not sure if the doctors heard her cry. Though they said I wouldn’t make it through the night, I did…and many more nights. However, it would take 3 long years before they finally write and say, “Erin, you have Sarcoidosis”.

Me/Erin & Anita "Faye" Leggittee--RIP, Faye!
I decided to share my difficult diagnosis this month for the love of Faye—Anita Faye Leggitte is my 1st cousin and Godsister. She, too, had Sarcoid and she passed away in 2003 at the tender age of 40. I have never revealed to anyone but my family what I had to deal with regarding Sarcoid. In fact, I never told them the whole truth until I went home to visit and realized I left some much needed medical equipment. I had to tell them the truth at that time. I can still see the look on my Mahm’s face. 

When people say Sarcoid attacks the lungs, that is true, but not the WHOLE TRUTH--I hate when people refer it to Lupus--they are not the same…Sarcoid can and it will attack anything from the smallest organ to the largest, your skin. The first attack was on my pancreas. The doctors could not figure out why I had chronic pancreatitis; my gall bladder was fine.  I was never a heavy drinker. My liver was fine…all was puzzled…I was in  PAIN. Now, I can’t breathe. Oh my, God! Docs say, ADULT ASTHMA! ~roll eyes~ Shortness of breathe and I worked out…Phil and I were on the track almost every day. 

Next, my sight went. It started out blurry...then became fuzzy. Then just like a light. I read lips for goodness I can't see~! The doctors said it was due to my pancreas not producing insulin and I was experiencing Type 1 Diabetes symptoms. All those days? Come on now! I’m partially deaf, at that time, partially blind, but never dumb! Type 1 Diabetes causes you to urinate often…I couldn’t urinate at all! So what goes next;  my bladder. So, here I am…cannot eat, regurging like crazy, can’t see, and I can’t urinate! I was so swollen and it hurt to be touched. I felt like an invalid. I would stay secluded and just cry. I would pop med after med and just tell my kids, “I’m all right. I’m okay,” and smile. I hated being sick and not knowing what was wrong with me. I was tested for every cancer possible as well as Lupus and other auto-immune diseases.

One of my infamous hospital stays!
I literally wanted to die! I felt I was suffering…this was crazy!

Finally, I got into a program with several different specialists. They requested all my records from Alabama and all the ones from Ohio. It turns out that not only did I have abnormal EKGs and chest x-rays in Ohio, I also had them in Alabama. However, in Alabama, I never did follow-up ~my mistake~.  The only other things in Alabama were irregular thyroid counts, anemia, and the heat made me very exhausted…not tired….EXHAUSTED! I hated to go outside…I always felt nauseous and faint. 

They started to do blood tests on me every week. The key was to look at my ACE blood levels. They were consistently elevated. This confirmed with the chest x-rays that I had Sarcoidosis—multi-organ: Pulmonary, Digestive, Urinary, and later Lymphatic. 

We learned that I do not have chronic pancreatitis; Sarcoid mocked pancreatitis…also, my mouth. My saliva was just gross to me. I had polyps in my mouth, for the first time ever in my life, I lost a tooth! I have never lost a tooth. Sarcoid attacked my teeth. Thankfully, I have only lost one and the meds are helping. My skin…my once flawless, beautiful skin…butterfly rashes…who termed them rashes? I don’t know, but I call them babies BLISTERS. They hurt like hell and they leave permanent scarring. God is good, because I have not had an issue with my teeth, skin, nor salivary glands in a while now. 

My colon! Yes, my colon! I went to the hospital ER in pain…thinking it was just Sarcoid in my pancreas and they immediately admitted me because my colon was swollen and had I not got to the ER I could have died due to a rupture! Sarcoid is a bitch! Every symptom is important! I’m like WOW! This is crazy!
Phil & the kids sleep after an unexpected hospital admittance
My pancreas is the only thing that gives me issues every now and again…today is that NOW and when I go into a flare-up, my lungs act out, but not to a point where I get totally sick. I have to be over cautious to avoid pneumonia and ensure to take annual flu and pneumonia shots.

Urinary—Bladder. I don’t have issues with my bladder now and that is a major plus. I have the best Urinary Gynecologist (URI-GYN) known to womankind! She did so much research. We had never heard of Sarcoid attacking the bladder. I found out through a friend that she had a friend who lost a kidney to Sarcoid. My doctor did research and YES…granulomas! Now, Sarcoid has attacked my bladder. I could not urinate. I feel into a depression so deep! I can’t even remember if I told Bonita the whole truth. I went into the Dr. office weekly to have my bladder flushed with saline water….they gave me pills that made my urine orange (I forgot the name), but they did not help…I still couldn’t urinate. So, I had to go in to be catheterize and then a saline flush…I had a therapist who taught me exercises to strengthen my muscles…I didn’t need help with that hahaaaaa….that wasn’t the issue, honey! That part of me worked juss fine, you hear me!? Phil was not complaining and neither was I…until after and I couldn’t urinate!  Standing in the shower…nada….sometimes it would take me over 30 minutes to let go one stream and then I’d yell because I didn’t have the strength to get it all out….it was awful. My children would wait it out with me...they even said, "Just show me how to do it...I will do the needle!" WOW...I am blessed!

The docs and nurses know her by name!
Finally, I had to learn to self-catheterize! The nurse was a gem. I cried…I yelled…she patted my back…telling me it was okay; yet, I would not be able to leave until I did it correctly. After sobs and prayers, and a nap lol…no joke, I cried myself to sleep…I asked for the mirror again and I did it. She clapped…I was proud too…I cried…but oh, the relief! She still made me do it two more times to ensure I didn’t just get lucky hahaaa…..Depression is now at an all-time high…I get home…have to urinate…can’t do it. I can’t get the needle right…I’m fussing and cursing and damning Sarcoid. Finally, on Phil’s birthday, I had a breakdown! I threw cake…I threw food…I yelled….I cursed everybody out—I had been suffering in silence and I had to urinate and couldn’t. He just looked at me…helplessly! I was so mad…so angry! I was swollen…I was in pain…I wanted my Momma! 

As soon as school let out, that is what I did…I packed my car…my kids and went to my Momma…but I left my needles. Now, I have to tell my Mahm, I have been home for 3 days and haven’t urinated. I self-cath 4 times a day. I had to explain why I was swollen…irritable…in pain….she was so scared. I had the worse attack…I just cried. She begged me to go to the hospital, let them cath me! NOOOOO….too many people I know and loved walked in and came out in body bags…I will just go on back home. I drove back to Ohio. Left my kids in Bama…stayed in Ohio for about a week and went back to Alabama with no intentions of coming back to Ohio, but I ended up back here after all. 

Who is the patient? Phil sleep I was woke!
That was hard on my Momma! To see me like that. I didn’t want anyone to pity me nor feel sorry for me. I never wanted for her to see me that sick, you know? When I was home last, the smile on my Auntee’s face when I told her my bladder works now…that may seem like nothing to some, but for her and for me, that was priceless. I fought back tears. My Mahm and my Auntee…they’ve buried their parents, their sisters, nieces, nephews, and my Auntee has buried her oldest and her youngest sons. I draw strength from them. Auntee said, “We know a lot about Sarcoidosis; it has been in the family for years!” She did not say it like a professional…she said it like a woman who has watched this illness wreak havoc on her nieces. In other words, come home if you MUST, we will take care of you. 

She also knows, I am the product of her…the product of my Mahm and their mom….I don’t want to seem helpless…I do not want to be a burden. I am a woman of strength and a woman of courage. I am not too proud to go home and let my family help me…take care of me even. They would do it without a second thought. I feel I am getting better. Moving South is still in my plans. I am not writing off anything at the moment. They understand I MUST do what is best for my physical, emotional, and mental health as well as provide stability to my childs!
My Daughters and Me
I remember saying “if any of my mom girls have to have this disease, I hope it be me, because my sisters couldn’t handle it”…now I find myself saying, “Dear God, please, let it skip my daughters!” 

I hate when people say "you don't look sick"

My name is Erin…I am the face of Sarcoidosis. It isn’t just in my lungs…it is in my bladder, my colon, my salivary glands, my pancreas, and even my skin! Yet, I smile…I smile wide and with pride…because regardless of how many images I take a month, no matter how many PFTs I take a month, and the meds they keep me on, I ensure I always take my Vitamin G—that’s God! I don’t pray for healing…I pray for humility and for endurance…so far, so good…because I am worthy and God said that!I have Sarcoidosis, Sarcoidosis does NOT have me!