Wednesday, November 7, 2012

...Political Dysfunctional ERiginal Eryn

 ©Eryn Echo & Erin-Echo Publishing. 2012. All rights reserved.

 “This election is about more than Obama…it is about your Momma”—Al Sharpton

I’ve always been the type of person that speaks my mind and that confuses some people.

I say I am a woman, but I am not a lady…I celebrate holidays I don’t believe in while disapproving of the commercialization of those same holidays.  I am spiritual, yet I am not religious…I am not materialistic, but I am Americanized…I am not political, but I am conservatively aware—I guess you can say I am “governmental”—politically incorrect even. Truth is, I never discussed politics—never complained—never cared until Bill Clinton’s 2nd term.

The first President I remember is President Jimmy Carter. I can’t tell you anything about him except he was a Democrat…served one term and liked peanuts. As long as he wasn’t trying to take away our playhouse in the woods, I couldn’t care less. Then there was President Ronald Reagan. I was of age in school during his term to learn about politics and politicians; therefore, I learned about the Conservative/Liberal Republican. Besides that, uhhh, oh, he was an actor—exactly!

With Mahm being a Jehovah Witness, she wasn’t political—she voted in 1968 when she was baptized—she voted for Jehovah God’s Kingdom (Genesis 3:15—first recorded prophecy) and His Kingdom is not associated with politics.

President Clinton’s 2nd term was my first time voting. I worked for the DOD-USAF and I admired the things former President Clinton was doing for America—but mostly, I liked the raises he gave civilians. Terming him the first black President, however, was a bit much, but that is another blog of its own—and I loved his persuasiveness.  

President Barack H. Obama—WOW!

Why did I vote for President Obama both terms? Because he’s a Black man?—sorry, I defy society’s norms…while society and the “one drop” rule proclaim any person… ANY PERSON with "one drop of black blood" is considered black—to me that is unfair to mixed race children and families and logically, there are NO white Americans alive today—you don’t have to agree. I am sure there is not one slave master or slave master’s heirs who did not only have sexual relations—rapes even—with Black female slaves and conceived several children; so I’m quite sure almost all whites in America (and elsewhere) have an itty bitty drop of black blood.

I’ve stated before, President Obama is just as “white” as his opponents …he was fertilized a white seed by black sperm …he then grew from embryo to fetus in a white woman’s womb (assuming there’s no drop of black in her blood) until his born day. Then he fed on white breasts for nourishment…was embraced in white arms…kissed by white lips…loved raised by a white mother and white grandparents. So, no, I did not vote for him because he is white—oops, I mean Black. I voted for him the 1st term because who really wanted Sarah Palin as Vice President? Come on, now…she was too concerned with Russia and “nuckalur werpons”! Girl, go shoot a moose! Then I felt for all the damage Bush had inflicted upon America in 8 years, Obama did one hell of a job unifying America with other countries and solidifying us as a strong nation in 4 years—he was short of a miracle in my world. He proved that you don’t have to be a “bully” to make amends. That humbled me.

My voting for Obama 2nd term was more personal—it wasn’t so much about America. Hey, I’m allowed to be selfish; right? Romney was going to take away everything I have worked for and everything I deserve. I did NOT have 8 babies by 10 men…I don’t live in government housing…in fact, the state of Ohio doesn’t assist me—the community of Butler County, particularly West Chester, Ohio has assisted my family and me in my time of crisis—so knowing that the plans I have from the Federal government would be taken from me once Romney got into office, I was like, “Al Sharpton made the best speech ever at the awards when he stated, ‘This election is not about Obama, this is about your Momma’”.  

Yes, I am young—a young mother—38 years old. I became disabled at the age of 36. I was able to receive Medicare this year because of the 2 years of being disabled. I am educated…I am degreed (yes, they are different read Erin’s blog)…and I am totally disabled. I suffer from an illness called Sarcoidosis. I have monthly medicines that totals over $3000 (three thousand dollars). I have lab appointments…3-D images…that must be taken monthly. My immune system is so suppressed; I can get a cold from watching someone on television with the virus. I already feel like half the woman I used to be and Romney wanted to take away the half I have left. So, yes, my voting for President Obama was selfish—pure selfish…now, I may have more time with my kids…I get to keep my doctors…my healthcare…and the dignity and pride that I have left.

Unless you suffer from a chronic illness, you do not know what it is like to wonder if you will now have to fight, not only for your life, but for your RIGHTS. To be sick every day and still smile is not easy. I try to stay positive…keep my hopes high…it is NOT always easy and then to think you may have to go through this process of proving your disability again—why Mitt Romney, how about you let me watch you self-cath four times a day…shave your head bald and then smile at your children and say “Hawt am I”…let me see you gag down 32 medicines and go “YUMMY”…gain 50 pounds in 4 years because of limited mobility and the onset of accused by dentists who assume you use recreational drugs because in less than one year your teeth has decayed like a dead body…all because the dentist doesn’t know about an illness because politicians like you don’t CARE about people like me and illnesses that hasn’t taken a toll on your life or the life of someone you love—even taken their life.  Let me watch your children put water in your mouth through a straw or feed you ice because for one day you say “Fuck it…I’m done”. Now, I’m poking my finger daily to ensure my glucose is stable. I have to eat differently, but the Federal says I’m above the poverty line o_O with my disability income so I spend out much money on food—and you wanted to take the little I am given away?—sorry I am not; with a cane…a scarf on my head…even the rain, I ensured my vote counted for President re-elect Barack Obama.

I knew my vote was important. I did not care nor think about those who voted before me…died so I can vote…I was selfish this vote…I voted for the man who wanted to help me and many other Americans who battle a chronic illness daily—no, I don’t believe in everything President Obama does. I am against some of his beliefs, but I don’t believe everything my doctor says either—but I trust him to do right by me and his other patients. He is a caring doctor. He wants me well—he wants to know more…he wants to help others. Like President Obama, he believes that growth is continuous—that is why he is my doctor and that is why Barack Obama is my President—he is the people’s President.

Call me political dysfunctional—I’ve been called worse! Congratulations AMERICA… and congratulations President & First Lady Obama!
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