Sunday, August 14, 2011

....clueless, classless, or just plain CONFUSED

We live in an era where the norms are set by society. The majority rules!! Trial-by-jury allows 12 peers of the accused to decide their fate…INNOCENT or GUILTY…the majority rules! When a Bill goes to the Senate, the majority rules!!  Twenty-first century –2011 is the year…the era of the majority rules.
Unfortunately, that major stipulation of life leaves much to be addressed and even more unanswered. The majority is NOT always right. Do I lead? Do I follow; or do I just flee and create my own path?
In the earlier eras men were considered to be the “head of the home”. They were the providers. Today, there are women who make equal, if not more, than the man. Wives go to work and husbands are stay-at-home dads. So does he lose his seat at the head of the table? The majority rules!
In my childhood, you talked back to an adult, not just your parents, you would get knocked into the middle of next week. I missed many weekends with my sassy mouth! Today, there are kids who tell their parents how things are going to go down as it pertains to them (the children!)…the majority rules; right?
Modesty. Well, even as far back as I can remember we had the Madonna’s and Larry Blackmon’s when it came to “what the hell” dressing; however, today, it is the norm for women to be paraded around like skinned rabbits at a Hugh Hefner Bunny Farm. It is only natural for a man to look, and it is VERY natural for a real man to be disgusted and a real woman to teach her daughters, that SEXY is a state of mind and attire is a personal characteristic ~don’t shoot the messenger~.
What is my point?
Simple, today, we hear, “that is so not ladylike”, “where is your femininity?” “That’s not how a real man rolls!” ~in my Charlie Brown voice~ “Bwha Bwha Bwha Bwha! SHUDDY”!

Erin @Club in ATL
I was raised to sit with my legs crossed, talk soft in order to be seen and not heard, put my hands down by my side and see if those shorts or skirt reached my fingertip! I had a curfew…it need not be stated, I knew it already (the street lights). Low and behold, I knew that yes meant “yes” and no meant “no”. DAMN a majority! The majority did not leave in Lula’s house; therefore, Lula was not concerned with the majority!
Now, society says that it is not lady-like …no, it is out of character for a lady to do certain things such as drink out in public, laugh too loud, curse too much, burp, or dare I type, release air from their posterior ~see, that doesn’t even read right~…release flatulence—nope still doesn’t read accurate….FART ~whoop there it is~!
Well, Momma told me the ugliest thing in the world was a drunken woman in public. If we ever just wanted or needed to drink, do it in the comfort of your own home. Momma said, “Women mother their children.” Not birth. Any lady can birth a baby, but a WOMAN mothers her children. Momma would ask, “Where yawl think yawl going with that mess on?” See, a woman knew that heavy make-up and revealing clothes does not make one a WOMAN. If you notice, Momma always used the word WOMAN.
I’m not the majority, but I conclude that today’s LADIES are clueless, classless, or just confused!
I sit with my legs crossed, but I talk loudly, I say what I want, and I admit, I curse too much! I respect that man is the head of my home. I refuse (even if it was possible) to make him think he was not. I am a fireball…a hell raiser…we are worst enemies and BEST FRIENDS…so  when I pop a top off a beer for him, I pop one for me! I sit back on the sofa in jeans and Tims and watch football and talk shit with HIM. We high-five! We argue…he burps, I belch! I cough; he pats and rubs my back! He coughs, I say, “Damn, Dude!” We laugh! 
Typical day for Erin

To society, I may not be a lady. I don’t dress half-naked and post pictures exposing my nudity on the web. I do not allow my daughters to dress in what “society” considers being sexy. I have no shame in telling them, “If I see you in a skirt that should be a shirt, I am going to knock your ass into another family!”

Why? Because, it is true; while by society norms their Mommy may not be a lady, she is not clueless, classless, nor confused. She is ALL WOMAN!

My Dolls

Erin & daughters

Growing little WOMEN

©Erin Adams-Phillips. Erin’s Echo. All rights reserved.

Music Inspiration for today Lisa Stansfield's All Woman

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