Monday, August 29, 2011

…sympathy—I think NOT

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Why should I have sympathy for you? I mean ~scoffs~ this is the who I am—if you are married and your religious beliefs do not allow you to take birth control and you have 18 kids, but you are not living on the system, I say do YOU. I respect your beliefs. I don’t have to agree to respect it. If you do not vote due to your religious beliefs, I respect that doctrine. “Pay back Caesar things to Caesar and God things to God”.  Respected and understood.
Now, if you are having 18 kids on the system’s dime, and you do not vote because you are lazy, I have no sympathy for you, less alone respect!
For the life of me, I do not understand how a parent can vote against the school system. First, educators are already underpaid. Second, they spend more quality hours a day with your child than you do. Third, they have to deal with parents who are in denial. Fourth, for the parents who do not teach their kids manners and respect, they have to deal with those children.  Five, educators are already underpaid ~that’s an echo~.
We reside in one of the BEST school districts in all of OHIO. Not over exaggerating, the children in this district get a private school education for free. In 2008, we lost the votes for the levy. The school district had to make cuts. Where did those cuts go? Transportation, educational programs, the online parent/student system (you could actually see everything that was going on in your child’s class with this system…if the child says, I left my homework at school, big deal, you could go there and print it out), & of course salaries.
We lost many teachers. There are four buses that go to my youngest child’s school. I think all of those buses are “private busing”. There are over 500 car riders. Many kids are walking…there are no SIDEWALKS….no CROSSING GUARDS…and our winters are not KIND. On top of that, I lost my temper and was upset that I did not know my daughter lost bus transportation until the first day. You had to attend open house to find that out. I need to apologize because due to budget cuts, they probably found out late…it is not their fault. This is more stressful for them. I apologize!
So, here it is—if you have kids and you did not vote because you are just plan trifling and lazy, do NOT ask me about carpooling. My answer will be HELL NAW!  I will ask you what the levy was and what did the school district detailed as cuts if the levy failed. I have daughters at two different school levels (Jr. High & Elementary). I have to make four trips. I sit for almost an hour picking up my youngest. Traffic is terrible.
When I’m taking my oldest, I know I stress her; not intentionally, but these cars are speeding! These kids are walking (no sidewalks). At the crossover (no button to push), cars won’t even stop to let them cross. I always stop and blink my lights at the oncoming cars while yelling, “Let these babies cross, GEESH!” It is sad. It is sad. It is sad!
These trifling parents, who did not vote for no other reason than they are lazy, I bet they are the same parents who send their kids to school hungry; the same parents who complain about everything under the sun, the same parents with kids that are disruptive. My question is, “Why should I have sympathy for you?” I have no respect for anyone who is against the educational system. I have no respect for anyone who belittles quality education. I have no respect for uninvolved parents who want to protest when you have never voted, volunteered, or just had lunch with your child. I’m sorry, I have sympathy for your child, and I pity you.

©2011. ErinsEcho. All rights reserved.

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