Wednesday, July 13, 2011

....weaker; is it really stronger?

(a)   Woman is the WEAKER vessel.
(b)   A man is not supposed to cry!
(c)    Girl, you got my rib! Give me my rib back!
(d)  God created you as a HELPER for me!
Myths. Facts. Old Wives Tales. We’ve heard them all before.
Isn’t it ironic how people can switch up the original meaning of things? Just butcher it up, mold and melt, melt and mold, shaping it for their personal meaning and life. Why is it so hard to accept situations for what they really are in life? Though I didn’t plan this, this entry will reflect back to:
(1)   The looking glass self—how people perceive others and “some” others try to base their WHO on how others see them.
(2)   Never changing—God doesn’t change…so yes, Eve was created from Adam’s rib (does the bible say a SLAB..half rack…baby back…I don’t know)…and woman was created to be a HELPER to man, but does that mean weaker vessel means weak-minded? OF COURSE NOT!
I really hate getting spiritual in my writings but sometimes, it is the only way I can make a VALID point.
“Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7 ESV).
Vessel has many meanings. In that scripture note it states as a weaker vessel which is symbolic for a woman’s feminism. It doesn’t mean woman is MENTALLY weak.
Remember in the Garden of Eden, when the serpent spoke with Eve? God states Eve was THOROUGHLY deceived.
Genesis 3:13 reads, “Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."
1Timothy 2:14 informs, “and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor”.
The serpent did some convincing on Eve. Eve pretty much just said, “BITE THE FRUIT ADAM!”
Now, I wrote all that to ask, women, do you know your OWN power? I am not talking about your WORTH. I’m speaking of your POWER over man.
Women have the power to escalate or diminish a situation. Any given day, the beginning of day, middle of day, end of day, a man just wants to be a man! Society has brainwashed so many women into thinking that submissive means less than that they want to be so independent they have forgotten their REAL power.
If your husband comes home from a hard day of work and doesn’t feel like eating with the family, what will you do? Do you bitch and tell him this is family time?! Belittle him about not taking part in family outings?! Just yell and escalate the situation without knowing what is going on?! Or will you understand? Tell him you are going to eat with the kids and will check on him later!
Really, you don’t know what his day was like. You don’t know what is on his mind. Would it not be wiser to say, “Okay, Babe! I will make your plate and sit it in the microwave”... Give him a brief hug and kiss on the cheek to let him know whatever is wrong, we will work it out together!?
Do you know how that loving gesture can break him...make him forget all about his horrible day, because he just came home to the most beautiful, softest, greatest helper made just for him?
Yes, women, we have that power! It is in the tone of our voice, the wink of our eyes, the softness of our bodies. We have the power to make man melt  or make him erupt like a volcano.
Do you know your power?! Don’t deny yourself the beauty of knowing your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Do you know your power?!

DISCLAIMER: This is not true of all situations. If you feel that you are in physical danger due aggression or domestic violence, please contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1.800.799.SAFE (7233).

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